Saturday, March 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Aria D.

Dear Aria,  
        Another year has came and gone so quickly, and you continue to amaze us in every wayAs your birthday approached this year, we couldn't help but think about the day you came into our lives,  so innocent and sweet and unaffected by the outside world.  And we look at you today and see that same innocence, but now you have spunk and can talk back! Oh how a year has changed you in so many wonderful ways!  This year we watched you learn so many new things. 
  • You love to listen to stories, turn pages in books, and pretend to read books too.  You tell wonderful stories, we just wished we could understand every word, because you tell them with such expression!  Your favorite book at the moment is, The Cat and the Hat.  Your favorite part is when the cat brings in the box with Thing 1 and Thing 2.  
  • You love to dance and sing songs.  You follow commands while you dance.  Some of our favorites are Old man, get low, running man, and the turnpike.
  • You love to jump.  Ellen always comments on how you have happy feet.  You can jump over my legs, do a summersault, and pop back up. 
  • You are doing really well getting potty trained, you have the daytime down and we're working on night time! You weren't interested for so long and then about three weeks before your second birthday, you started to use your potty chair as if you knew how to all along!
  • You still spend Mondays with Daddy, Tuesdays with Um-ma (Grandma Diana), and the rest of the work week with Ellen.
  • Your favorite animal is Pu-pa, a small dog with a huge head that Uncle Les got you for Christmas.  Since you opened him on Christmas he has been with you day and night.
  • You are absolutely obsessed with your pajamas (japas).  You cry every morning when you have to take them off and you ask for them the minute you walk in the door to our house.
  • You love to sort things, such as beads, mickey people, and blocks.  You will sort them over and over and over again. 
  • We often call you copy cat because you imitate us performing daily tasks, such as vacuuming, cleaning the table, putting on make-up, popping zits, or exercising.   
  • Some of your most used phrases are:  What's that?, Who is that? Where's the mama, Where's the daddy?, I DO, Ahh Mickey, More please, I fell. 
So Miss Aria D. you continue to fill our lives with uncontrollable laughter, you bring us more happiness than we could ever imagine, and you test our patients to the max.  And we are left to sit back and watch as you try things on your own for it's the only way you will become a capable, independent thinker. 

Love always,
Mom and Dad 

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