Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Celebrations!

We had a wonderful Christmas with our families. It was so great to see everyone. The weekend before Christmas we made the trek to Green Bay to spend time with Jerrod's family. We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner prepared by Joe and Janel and enjoyed some family time. On Christmas eve,we celebrated at my mom and dad's house with Kim's family, Keith's family, and Uncle Les. My mom served her famous 'Christmas Eve' dinner of French onion soup, sandwiches, and all the fixings. I don't know how she does it, but her soup gets better every year. We woke up before Aria on Christmas and patiently waited for her to open her Santa presents. She must have been a very good girl! She was surprised that Santa even left presents for Mom and Dad. I guess we we good this year too! My mom and dad came by us on Christmas day to go to church and they also joined us for brunch at our home. It was a Christmas Miracle and Aria was surprisingly well behaved in Church! After nap time, we traveled to my mom and dad's house a 'traditional' Christmas dinner. Aria had a blast playing with Papa, dancing with her momma, and opening presents. Our holiday season was very blessed with family time, laughter, and just being together. I am so luckily to have my wonderful family and I thank god for them every day. Love you guys!!!!

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