Monday, February 6, 2012

11 months and counting!

    Aria had a big month, her cousin Canaan was born and on New Year's Eve she started walking!  Jerrod and I both cried when she took her first steps and we managed to get it on video too!  I have mixed emotions as we get closer to Aria's first birthday.  So happy she is growing up and getting more independent....but that means she is no longer my little baby:(  Jerrod told me not to worry, because she is my daughter, she will always be a baby!
These are Aria's first steps!

 Nothing cuter than watching Aria do the naked walk to the tub!

 Jerrod and Canaan!

Having fun at Uncle Marker's birthday dinner!
 Aria is very curious about her new little cousin...

 Please pick me up!

 Aria loves her new rider!

 Trey feeding Aria yogurt. 

 So happy to be home!

Still such a babydoll...
 New Year's Eve, quite the little diva in her leopard outfit.

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