Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Just about 9 months old

      Another quick month.....Aria is climbing, pulling herself up, and crawling all over the place.  She has also been very busy scaling the furniture and walls, getting faster every day.  

 We couldn't resist trying on this hat at Toys R Us

 Seeing Triple!  Three times the fun....or a bad dream????

 Aria helping me put together her new walker.

 The new walker!

 Seriously, sometimes I feel like Aria is my real live doll and I get to dress her up any way I choose!

The two cutest smiles ever...
 Crawling up on daddy.

 I see Aria being a neat freak when she's older, she loves to help with the dishes.

 On her shirt:  A is for Aria...Thanks Kim for adorable shirt!

 In the background is Aria's first basketball hoop...she is already trying to dunk.

Those boots are so stinking cute....

If you can load this video, Aria is saying mama...

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