Wednesday, December 28, 2011

10 Months

    December flew by and here we are about to ring in a new year.  I can't help but think back to last year at this time, when we were just waiting for our little miracle to arrive.  Pretty soon we will welcome another precious little one when Cristina and Mark have their baby.  Cristina is due January 15th, but we are hoping for an early arrival! 

Marissa and Aria playing away with refrigerator magnets, who would have known they would make the best toys?

Aria found the steps...

One of her favorite things to do is to race around the ottoman.  She has taken about four steps, but then reverts back to crawling.

In this picture, Aria is holding an ornament I made in Third Grade.  It is still mostly intact, just missing the googly eyes after this photo shoot!

Can I be done yet mom?

The princess towel....

Check out Aria's new hat from her Auntie Heather...

Aria became a cheesehead...

Racing around with Daddy.  I think the hat kind of looks like a helmet in this picture.

Aria and Grams in their Santa hats...they are always up to something when they are together!

Aria and Uncle Marker wrestling on Christmas Eve....

Guess who won?

Aria waiting patiently for Santa with Grandpa...

Aria clapping for Santa....
And then crying, when she got into his arms....

Christmas morning breakfast...

 Aria matches perfectly in her new pink chair!

All the presents....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A puppy for Aria?

Aria made a compelling argument last night for a dog. As you will see in this video, she was completely in love, and couldn't stop laughing!  Pretty much one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Just about 9 months old

      Another quick month.....Aria is climbing, pulling herself up, and crawling all over the place.  She has also been very busy scaling the furniture and walls, getting faster every day.  

 We couldn't resist trying on this hat at Toys R Us

 Seeing Triple!  Three times the fun....or a bad dream????

 Aria helping me put together her new walker.

 The new walker!

 Seriously, sometimes I feel like Aria is my real live doll and I get to dress her up any way I choose!

The two cutest smiles ever...
 Crawling up on daddy.

 I see Aria being a neat freak when she's older, she loves to help with the dishes.

 On her shirt:  A is for Aria...Thanks Kim for adorable shirt!

 In the background is Aria's first basketball hoop...she is already trying to dunk.

Those boots are so stinking cute....

If you can load this video, Aria is saying mama...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

8 Months

   We had an exciting month filled with birthday parties, Aria's first plane ride, Halloween, and lots of time to just hang out! Hope you enjoy the pictures from the month...

Helping pack!

 Exploring Uncle Dana and Aunt Kiersten's house...

 Drumming away...

 Ready to swim...

 Williamsburg Winery trip....

 Punished for having such a cute baby....

All bundled up touring Colonial Williamsburg....

Exploring the Airport Children's museum...

 Aria visited my classroom on Halloween...cutest bug I've ever seen!

 So in love with Daddy!

 I didn't do it!

 Helping unpack groceries...