Sunday, April 24, 2011


 Grandma and Grandpa's Easter Egg Hunt 2011

Grandpa hid the eggs...Then had a great time watching everyone try to find them!

Jerrod hunted for Aria.

Jerrod (Aria), Hallie, and Avery hunting:)

The ultra competitive Jerrod finished first...(you can't tell but his basket is full of pink eggs.)

Avery's eggs were the hardest to find!

Cristina and Jen had a hard time not helping the hunters...

Grandpa had a hard time remembering where he hid all the eggs!

Month Two!

We spent lots of time playing on the floor...

I started to smile this month...

 Just chillin' out in the morning!

Trying on my Easter Bonnet! 

Fell asleep playing on the floor...

Cousin Kacie brought me some shades!